IP Biomass, Inc. is a privately-owned wood pellet and equine bedding producer located in Allendale, South Carolina.
We are strategically located in the heart of South Carolina’s forestry industry. South Carolina has 13 million acres of forested land, 67% of the State’s total land area and more now than any time in the last 100 years.
Almost 90% of forests are privately owned, forestry is the number one industry in South Carolina and timber the largest cash crop. Forests today are growing faster than they are being harvested.
We purchase sustainably harvested sawmill residues from nearby sawmills and process them into pellets and bedding products for distribution domestically and for export markets. All our products are made exclusively from Southern Yellow Pine
We are located close to the I95 corridor for transportation along the East Coast and also close to two major container and bulk ports (Charleston and Savannah) for efficient access to export markets.